Advantages of an Online Education
The option of getting an online education is a welcomed by many, particularly people who don't have easy access to a nearby college or university, or access to a school which offers the courses necessary to fill their particular needs.
Online educational opportunities are a real boon to students that travel frequently, or are in the military.
Many of us may have missed the opportunity to get our degrees during the traditional college years. Finances and family obligations may have curtailed opportunities.
Thankfully, easy access to online college degrees has given us our "second" chance.
Drawbacks of an Online Education
With all of its benefits, however, you need to be aware of some of the drawbacks to getting an online education.
First, make sure the school you are taking courses through is an accredited school that offers transferable credits. The Internet has opened up vast educational opportunities with many prestigious schools.
However, there are plenty less reputable schools that amount to nothing more than "diploma mills".
"Diploma Mills" give you credit for life experience, which is not recognized by state and federal laws. You can even "buy" a doctorate. So don't let a fancy website fool you.
Employers are well aware of these types of diplomas, and will check the accreditation of your degree.
If you're in doubt as to the school's reputation, check with U.S. Department of Education's Council of Higher Education Accreditation to ensure the courses they offer are accredited.
Time Management Skills
To be successful, make sure you can manage your time well. The flexibility of online courses is great, but if you're easily distracted, this type of schooling may not work for you.
It's all about self-discipline - the ability to work on your college courses and set aside time to study - even though there are a million other seemingly more important things to do.
Set Manageable Goals for Yourself
Goals help us to stay focused on our end goal. Remember if a project seems too big, break it down into more manageable, less intimidating steps. Complete a step, and move on to the next.
Staying organized and focused with the help of daily planners will help you to achieve your goals.